
Sunday, November 6, 2022 5:30-7:00 pm PT
Online Event
National Night of Prayer for America
from The 714 Initiative
Join Contagious Disciple Making as we pray for God's guidance and mercy for the United States in this election season. We'll focus on how the Church must fulfill the Great Commission locally, love our neighbors and broader communities, and address evil and evil deeds in such a time as this.
Do you and/or your church have a burden to pray together in ways that will lead the American Church to repent, realign, and reactivate to God's will and expand His Kingdom? Then, join us for our National Night of Prayer Event and contact us on how we can mobilize your community to work together to see this vision happen.
We do ask that (if at all possible) that all participants will fast (refrain from food) before the event. Whether it's just one meal skipped, a day, or a few days, fasting prepares our hearts and deepens our focus and desperation in our seeking and petitioning God.

Humble ourselves and mourn
Submit the temporal to focus on the eternal
Become hungry for deliverance and change

For deliverance from Satanic strongholds and agendas
For mercy for the sins of the Church and our nation
For guidance, opportunity, & power to take obedient action

Respond to the Word of God and His convicting Spirit
Search for His guidance to know how to take action
Seek His wisdom to discern the truth behind hard issues

Take personal responsibility and ownership for change
Mobilize and unite with Christian brothers and sisters
Activate to reach the lost, love our cities, & restrain evil agendas

register a group
Represent your area of the country by registering a group of your local Christian friends. Send us a small list of crucial prayer points for your area of the country, and we will highlight and pray over those within the meeting. Email us with your list of people who are coming, and we will give you your own personal breakout prayer room when we divide into smaller groups.

Join The 714 Initiative: Ongoing Opportunities
Download our Contagious Disciple Making App and subscribe to our emails to keep up-to-date on upcoming events and discover tools for mobilizing prayer and making disciples.
Join our weekly global prayer meetings 7:30-8:30 am PT. Link on our app.
Use and share the CDM Prayer and Fasting Guide weekly with your family, friends, and church community. The full guide can be found on our app.
Visit our CDM Prayer Page where you can post prayer requests and leave prayers for others' requests. You can find us on our app.
Learn how you can plant your own Disciple Making Community in your church and area. Email us at team@contagiousdisciplemaking.com