How we WORK
Do It Ourselves
We start Disciple Making Teams who spend time with people who don't know Jesus, find those who are asking spiritual questions, and start Discovery Groups to disciple them into relationships with Jesus.
Help Others Get Started
We work with individuals, churches, and organizations to help them launch Disciple Making Teams. These teams pray, think of creative ways to meet people who don't know Jesus, and help spiritually seeking people connect with God and eventually start Disciple Making Movements.
Support Disciple-Makers
As we learn, we develop
materials and processes to visioneer, train, coach, and mentor individuals, churches, and organizations.
Coaching helps everyday believers apply the principles of Disciple-Making Movements into daily habits that lead to Discovery Bible Studies which produce disciples who multiply in their neighborhoods.
Disciple Making Communities
are groups of believers who practice daily habits that lead them to obey all God’s commands and love their neighbors in such a way that it gives them opportunities to help others discover God through reading His Word for themselves.
Prayer is the lifeblood of CDM. Through daily prayer habits like the Prayer Calendar, weekly prayer gatherings, and active online prayer communities, we are praying for Disciple-Making Movements all over North America and the world.
Discovery Bible Study
is a tool used by disciple-makers around the world to help non-believers discover God by reading His Word, obeying it, and sharing it with others.
Media CDM produces weekly: podcasts, training videos, story interviews, and articles that help you learn how to make disciples and start movements.