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Michael Garcia

Mobilizing Prayer: The GC2 Prayer

Updated: Jun 23, 2022

Prayer is the tip of the spear in the arsenal of a disciple maker, so what are the tools we can use to mobilize it?

Seeking God’s heart for our communities, neighborhoods and cities is the first step in seeing a Disciple Making Movement. In this mini blog, we’re going to talk about one of the prayer tools we can use to see this happen — the GC2 Prayer, also known as Great Commission Great Commandment Prayer. Continue reading to learn how you can use it to mobilize prayer today!

What is GC2 Prayer?

The GC2 Prayer is a mobilization tool designed to help us prepare the way for a Disciple Making Movement in our communities and cities.

As a group, we intercede on behalf of our communities and ask the Lord how we can be obedient to the Great Commission — the call to go and make disciples of all nations — and Great Commandment — the call to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and love others as ourselves.

During this time, we seek the Lord’s guidance in answering two very important questions:

  • What do we need in order to see a movement in our city?

  • How can we act as salt and light in our city?

How Does GC2 Prayer Help?

The GC2 Prayer tool is specifically tailored to help us build the habit of praying with and for others regularly, as well as exponentially saturate our communities in prayer to prepare the way for a Disciple Making, Gospel Movement of great commission and great commandment work.

We want to see the gospel transform every community and aspect of society in our cities, and the GC2 Prayer tool helps us seek God in that. It bridges the gap between prayer and action as we ask God to show us what to pray for and what He wants us to do about those things.

When, Where and with Whom?

Once a week, meet with a group of 1-5 of your friends at a convenient location that fits naturally within your schedule — home, work, school, park, before or after church or small group, etc.

You can even pair the time with another activity, group project, or hobby. Here are some possible ideas:

  • Walking around a park

  • After playing a sport

  • After volunteering somewhere

  • While children are having a play time

  • While waiting for kids’ extracurricular activities

  • After enjoying a meal together

How Should We Pray?

1) Open in prayer asking God to speak to the group:

  • Ask Him to show you what you should be praying for?

  • What are the needs and areas of brokenness in your city?

  • What does He want you to do about it? And how?

  • Where and how is He already working in your city?

2) Take 5 minutes to listen to God.

3) Using a “popcorn” style of prayer, pray for the things that God has placed on your hearts.

  • People can pray multiple times in any order.

  • No one prays for more than a couple minutes at a time.

  • Here are just a few potential things you may pray for along with anything else God puts on your heart:

    • More Christians to commit to becoming Disciple Makers who intentionally engage nonbelievers

    • More Christians to be mobilized for prayer

    • That God will draw more unbelievers to Himself and that they will want to discover Him in a DBS

    • More opportunities for casual, meaningful, spiritual and discovery conversations with the lost

    • Protection from Satan’s schemes and attacks

    • Boldness and courage to invite nonbelievers to form or join Discovery Bible Studies

    • Help identifying and addressing corruption and injustice in your area

    • That God would use you to be a worker of justice and mercy in your city

    • Help making a difference using the resources, talents, and influence God has given you

    • Protection, provision and volunteers for those already doing good within your city

    • The raising up of godly, capable leaders

    • God’s Kingdom to come and bring transformation to your city

4) Ask for 1-2 prayer requests from each person in the group, then close out the time by praying aloud for one another.

Learn More

You now have everything you need to get started praying for your community with the GC2 Prayer tool, but if you’d like to learn more, be sure to check out this helpful podcast with Paul Watson and Rebecca Ewing.

Thanks for reading!

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1 comentario

13 jun 2022

Thanks for posting this great prayer guide!

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