A Prayer Calendar, A Miracle, and A DBS
Danny is a disciple-maker and preacher who lives in New Hampshire. Before he and his wife moved there, they visited to scout out the area...
A Prayer Calendar, A Miracle, and A DBS
Swahili and a Size Too Small
From No Motivation to Seeing Multiplication
How God Moved Through Prayer and Fasting
How God Transformed My Neighborhood
Summer of Fasting with CDM
Mobilizing Prayer: Scripture-Led Intercessory Prayer
Mobilizing Prayer: The GC2 Prayer
Mobilizing Prayer: The Sticky Note Prayer Challenge
Mobilizing Prayer: The Conversation Quadrants
The Only Way to Mobilize the Prayer Calendar
Listening to God
Tips on Building Good Prayer Habits
Obedience Blesses Others
The 4 Habits Every Disciple-Maker Needs
How I've Been Praying Intentionally
What To Do When Your DBS Fails
Prayer Calendars Led to a DBS with an Atheist
28 Frat Boys in a Discovery Group
Prayer is a Life and Death Issue