All the info you need to start your own DMC

A Disciple Making Community is a group of believers who practice daily habits that lead them to obey all God’s commands and love their neighbors in such a way that it gives them opportunities to help others discover God through reading His Word for themselves.
Who are DMCs for
Christians and nonbelievers should be discipled separately. DMC is for believers. DBS is for unbelievers.
Unbelievers need their own space to discover God and learn the basic steps of knowing Him for themselves. Forming groups with an unbeliever’s friends and family removes complications and barriers while encouraging seekers to take ownership of their own discovery of God and the Bible.
Christians need their own space to learn how to participate in the Great Commission. We put extra tools into a DMC to help Christians develop relationships with those that don’t know Jesus and retrain their everyday habits in following God.
Frequency of Meetings
DMCs should meet at least every other week to ensure progress in making disciples.
A meeting should be at least 1.5 hours or longer (depending on the size of your group) to ensure that each member can discuss each action point.
DMC Commitments
1. Action-Focused Learning
Focusing on personal change over insight, a DMC grows in Great Commission efforts by determining their next steps to be taken over the next one or two weeks.
2. Prayer
A DMC guides its members to pray daily with each other for challenges and their specific next steps in GC efforts determined at the meeting.
3. Engage the Lost
A DMC learns how to build relationships with unbelievers and have good conversations that lead them to DBS
4. Meeting Needs in the Community
A DMC encourages each other to weekly help those in their communities around them.
Loving neighbors displays Christ’s love and opens hearts to having good conversations.
5. Positive Accountability and Celebration
A DMC creates a culture of growth by discussing the results of every commitment made from the previous meeting. They celebrate progress and troubleshoot problems with any issues that arise.
3 Tools of DMC
1. Prayer Calendar
Have DMC members make a list of 30 Christian friends and call or text one person per day to pray with them.
At the beginning of each meeting, ask for stories about how God is working through their prayer calendars. Take time to celebrate answers to prayer and stories of showing care and concern.
2. Discovery Bible Study
DMC members learn the same DBS process and Genesis-to- Jesus Scripture list they will use with their unbelieving friends. Also, helping others and obeying and sharing the stories from the DBS will help them take steps in reaching their coworkers, friends, and neighbors.
3. Conversation Quadrants
This tool helps Christians develop relationships with unbelievers so that they can share stories from the Bible with them naturally in everyday conversation by guiding participants into having casual, meaningful, spiritual, and discovery conversations. This natural progression opens doors to inviting unbelievers into Discovery Bible Study.
Each meeting, members recount conversations they had with unbelievers and categorize them within the quadrants. Then, they will pray for an opportunity to have another even deeper conversation with each person over the next week.
Talking about each encounter gives space for the group to problem solve issues and generate ideas in having conversations and knowing how to develop relationships.
DMC Question Flow
Prayer Calendar
How has God been working through your prayer calendar? Any stories of answered prayer?
Discovery Bible Study
What are we thankful for?
What are you stressed about? How can we pray for you?
How can we help each other with these needs?
Follow-up from last week
How did our ‘I Will’ statements go?
How did we share the story this week?
Whom did we help this past week? And how?
Needs of the community
Whom can we help this week?
How can we pray for and/or meet some needs of our city/community?
Read the passage
Retell the passage
What does this passage say about God?
What does it say about man?
If what we learned is true, how should we change?
I Will Statements and Sharing
What will we do specifically this week in response to what God has shown us?
Whom will we share it with?
Conversation Quadrants
What kind of conversations did we have with our unbelieving friends this week? Casual? Meaningful? Spiritual? Discovery?
Pray for each name and for the next deeper conversation
What will we do this week to see them again?

Learn More
Whiteboard Videos:
Prayer Calendar
Conversation Quadrants
Discovery Bible Study
Prayer Calendar
Conversation Quadrants
DMC Basics
I Will Statements
Helping Christians Share the Story/Make Progress
DBS that Multiply
DMC: Living Out the Great Commission Together in Everyday Life
Discovery Bible Study: Creation to Christ Scripture List
1. Genesis 1:1-27
2. Genesis 2:4-24
3. Genesis 3:1-13
4. Genesis 3:14-24
5. Genesis 6:5-7:24
6. Genesis 8-9:17
7. Genesis 12:1-8, 15:1-6, 17:1-7
8. Genesis 22:1-19
9. Exodus 12:1-28
10. Exodus 20:1-21
11. Leviticus 4:1-35
12. Isaiah 53
13. Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-20
14. Matt 3; John 1:29-34
15. Matthew 4:1-11
16. John 3:1-21
17. John 4:1-26; 39-42
18. Luke 5:17-26
19. Mark 4:35-41
20. Mark 5:1-20
21. John 11:1-44
22. Matthew 26:26-30
23. John 18:1-19:16
24. Luke 23:32-56
25. Luke 24:1-35
26. Luke 24:36-53
27. John 3:1-21